MIC in rigor mortis


(FMT) – Akin to a body in the mortuary, MIC urgently needs an autopsy to salvage some functioning parts, if there are any left indeed.

MIC never was and never will be the true voice of the Indians who for long have been sidestepped by not only the government but also the opposition parties.

They are only needed when elections and by-elections come a-calling to their corridors; when politicians suddenly see the need to hand out sarees and mutton biryani to win their votes; especially in the rural areas.

Coming back to MIC, first and foremost what on earth is the president doing after “clinching” a negotiated win? Even mammals that hibernate must spring into action when the time comes to hunt food.

But here we have a party president who has been in prolonged hibernation mode, though there is so much of babel going around him for months now.

G Palanivel has miniaturised his role to only cutting ribbons at functions and shaking hands. He has minus freezing point political aptitude in handling any crisis or dilemma of the Indian community.

Well, forget about the Indians, he does not even have an inkling to what is brewing within his own circle for the matter.

All he wants is his presidential seat and the empty status that comes with the job. With all the in-fighting unfolding in MIC since its party elections last year, MIC has evolved from a headless chicken running in town into a quadriplegic tortoise.

The hard shell of the tortoise is representative of the president’s stubbornness to acknowledge the fact that his limbs are no longer neurologically active.

Palanivel must be made to realise and shaken vigorously to search deep into his soul that it is time to relinquish his presidency to a more capable and pro-active personality.

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