Khalid’s gambit receives unanimous backing from PR council


(Harakah Daily) – Selangor Menteri Besar Khalid Ibrahim today receives a boost as Pakatan Rakyat presidential council has given full endorsement for him to proceed despite being run down by his own party members earlier for signing a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with Putrajaya to restructure the water industry.

The announcement was made by PKR de facto leader Anwar Ibrahim after Khalid explained the detail of MoU to Pakatan Rakyat top leaders namely Anwar, PAS president Tuan Guru Abdul Hadi Awang and DAP advisor Lim Kit Siang in a meeting yesterday.

“In the meeting, Pakatan Rakyat leaders have showed concern as well as provide advice and insight to ensure that the restructuring of the water industry will return the best value to the state Government and the people of Selangor, including the matters discussed in the MoU between Selangor government and the federal government,” said Anwar.

“Following the meeting, the presidential council unanimously endorses, in principle, Khalid’s efforts to restructure Selangor’s water industry,” Anwar added.

The opposition leader also announced the formation of a special committee comprising of Petaling Jaya MP Tony Pua, Pandan MP Rafizi Ramli, PAS Research Centre director Dzulkefly.

Ahmad and lawyer Tommy Thomas as an independent representative of the people of Selangor to work with the Selangor government for the water restructuring exercise to safeguard the people’s interest.

Khalid inked the water deal with Putrajaya on February 26 that enable the state to take over water services from four private concessionaires in exchange for the approval for the construction of Langat 2 water treatment plant to continue.

The matter was kept secret to prevent insider trading, which would have then inflated the original offer price, Khalid explained.

