Malaysia’s pursuit of anarchy


(TNG) – It’s not rocket science to figure out which column Malaysia is occupying.

INDEPENDENT news portal Malaysiakini may be no stranger to attacks. Nonetheless, the recent use of purported black magic and vandalism against the media outfit and the threat of a butt-wriggling display at its office deserve our attention. Why? Because the attacks on Malaysiakini are part of a pattern.

Malaysiakini is but one of several recent favourite targets for threats, hate speech and criminal intimidation. The other recent targets have been DAP vice-chairperson Teresa Kokand the Coalition of Malaysian NGOs (Comango). Additionally, the threats against Christians have continued, and even the Federal Court is not exempt, it would seem.

The Malaysiakini headquarters after being vandalised with red paint (Courtesy of Malaysiakini)

The Malaysiakini headquarters after being vandalised with red paint (Courtesy of Malaysiakini)

What do these attacks tell us about what is going on in Malaysia? And how do we know that these attacks constitute an attempt at nurturing anarchy in the country?

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