MH370 Long-Due Questions

Luigi Maraldi, whose stolen passport was used by a passenger boarding flight MH370, holds his current passport.

I have several burning questions which I just cannot understand how they have not been addressed yet:

1) What is the standard procedure for disaster control in an air crisis situation? Who are notified, who is now in charge and is the incident commander? Who are the experts being consulted, and what have been their comments and recommendations?

2) What was planned in the search and rescue mission? What is the surface area that was and will be covered? What are their coordinates?
Which country is responsible for which part of the mission? What have been the challenges apart from the vastness of the ocean? What are the red tapes involved? What technology and equipment are being used to detect wreckage/whatever presence of the MH370? How is that fairing so far? How does the technology work? Why do they think it would work?

3) What is the outcome of the background checks on the stolen passport bearers?

4) Was there a laboratory test on the oil slick found on Vietnamese waters? What was the result? Was it Jet fuel?

Thank you for your attention and patience.

