DAP: Why submarines not sent?


(Daily Express) – DAP Sabah is disappointed that the government has failed to send out submarines for the search and rescue operation on the missing Flight MH370.

“In such emergency, submarines should have been sent out immediately without any delay,” said DAP Sabah Youth National Publicity Secretary, Junz Wong. Wong who is also Likas Assemblyman demanded Defence Minister Datuk Hishamuddin Tun Hussein to give a full explanation on the purpose and functions of these submarines that were purchased in 2009.

“Malaysians deserve to know what purposes these submarines were purchased for and what exactly these submarines can do?

“The Scorpene submarine was reported as being tasked for search and rescue functions. Why is it not sent for the search and rescue task then?” Wong asked.

Wong who is also DAP Sabah Organising Secretary also expressed his sympathies to family members of the passengers and crew on board MH370.

