‘Raja Bomoh’ predicted Pakatan to win GE13


The now world famous Raja Bomoh tried to beat latest tracking technology to locate MH370

Anisah Shukry, FMT

As the global media spotlight shines on bomoh Ibrahim Mat Zin and his ‘magic carpet’ rituals in KLIA, an old video has resurfaced to cast doubts on the ‘Raja Bomoh Sedunia Nujum VIP’s’ prophetic credentials.

Ibrahim’s list of accomplishments, verified only by him, include dealing a single death blow to a crocodile, making predictions on the Highland Tower tragedy, and waging a supernatural battle with murderess Mona Fendy’s own brand of black magic.

But the self-designated ‘world bomoh VIP king’ has been silent on a more recent, and far less stellar prediction: That Pakatan Rakyat would win the May 5, 2013 General Election.

A video, apparently recorded on April 22, 2013, revealed Ibrahim doing what he knows best: performing rituals with his now-world-famous bomoh gear: bamboo binoculars, coconuts and a fish trap.

The aim of the ritual was not to detect a missing plane, but to predict the victor of the 13th general election.

In the 1:28 video, which can be viewed on YouTube, predicting Pakatan’s win required Ibrahim to perform two separate rituals.

In the first part of the video, Ibrahim is seated before a table in a dimly lit room, surrounded by assistants. Camera flashes go off as he peers through his binoculars at a bowl. The audience, who remain off-camera, wait in silence.

While the bowl’s contents are not visible, it is made remarkable by the two large leaves dangling over it. The leaves hang by a thread at the end of a long stick, which Ibrahim’s assistant obligingly holds over the bowl.

Resting next to the bowl on the same table is a traditional fish trap; netizens will easily identify it as the same contraption Ibrahim used for his fruitless search of Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370.

After examining the bowl, Ibrahim stands up and declares to the off-camera crowd with great gravity: “(After) looking into this bowl with my fifth sense…it appears as if, like I mentioned previously, that the Opposition will win 65%.”

It is unclear if the bomoh is predicting that Pakatan will win 65% of the parliamentary seats, or 65% of the votes, or there is a 65% likelihood that Pakatan would win.


