Bar calls for AG to probe DPP in Karpal’s case

Christoper Leong

Jaqueline P’ng,

The Malaysian Bar Council has received overwhelming request from its members to make representations to the Attorney General, to immediately investigate the Deputy Public Prosecutor (DPP) involved in Gelugor MP, Karpal Singh’s sedition case.

President Christopher Leong said, the DPP had completely disregarded Karpal’s obvious medical conditions.

“The DPP also told the court that if a heavy sentencing is not handed down, it will be deemed to be an insult to the institution of Rulers.”

“Karpal is paralysed, 74 years old and cannot fend for himself. Who is going to take care of him in prison?” he said.

Karpal had lost his case in a sedition case with the Sultan of Perak and is fined RM4,000 by the high court. Should his appeal be rejected, he risk losing his position as an MP.

Leong stressed that the DPP first duty is to the court and law, rather than the client.

According to guidelines of the role of prosecutor adopted by the 8th United Nation Congress on Crime Prevention and Treatment of Offenders, he noted, DPPs are to carry out their function impartially without fear and prejudice.

He also said international standards also requires prosecutors to assist the court in delivering justice and not to be influenced by sectional and individual interest or media pressure.

“Therefore, we ask the AG to take disciplinary against the DPP if see fit, in accordance with rules and regulations governing her appointment and service and in accordance of law.”

Today, 1,219 members who have attended the Bar councils annual general meeting, also call upon the AG to implement guidelines for public prosecutors and make it available to the public.

Leong was re-elected to chair the Bar, while Steven Thiru remains the vice president.

