Kajang: The country is watching


Voters urged to vote wisely and choose a candidate who is honest and can best serve the people

Hawkeye, FMT

Voters in the Kajang state by-election in Selangor should make a stand by showing they want their politicians to be honest and service-orientated, says outspoken Penang Malay Congress president Rahmad Isahak.

“The approximately 39,000 voters should make it clear that the people of this country will no longer tolerate those who are just out to scheme or indulge in excessive politicking,” Rahmad said in an interview here today.

He urged Kajang voters to choose a candidate based on the individual’s character, track record and ability to serve the constituents.

“When we complain about our nation lacking in leadership, it actually starts with us. We must vote for candidates who have the calibre and not be swayed by just cult-like worshiping.”

Rahmad said that voters should reject Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail, the PKR candidate, and provide a mandate to the MCA vice-president Chew Mei Fun instead as she has proven to be “clean and honest”.

“Dr Wan Azizah is by nature a good person, but she is contesting in the by-election for the wrong reasons,” Rahmad added.

‘By-election self engineered’

Despite the distractions of her husband Anwar Ibrahim being found guilty by the Appeal Court for a sodomy offence, or the current attention span on the missing Malaysia Airliner’s jetliner- MH370, he said the voters must understand that this is a self-engineered by-election.

“This election process is designed by PKR to overcome their own internal squabble. It is most unfair that they drag in the voters, who are the innocent bunch here,” Rahmad said.

“It is not about serving the constituents.

“It is mostly about PKR’s own agenda to control Selangor. This is why, we read of reports stating that both PAS and DAP are not necessarily happy about this by-election,” he stressed.

The electorate comprises 49% Malays, 40% Chinese and 10% Indians and the rest are smaller minorities.

In the 13th general election, Pakatan Rakyat swept the mixed seats in the urban constituencies.

Therefore, although Wan Azizah is a firm favourite to win, Rahmad urged voters not to vote along party lines or sentiments but to decide on ‘who can best serve them effectively’.

Is the right candidate Dr Wan Azizah, who is already busy with her duties as home-maker and grandmother or Chew, an upstart politician – best remembered for quitting her Wanita MCA head post based on principles and conscience?


