Wan Azizah to assume Selangor MB post?


(fz.com) – As the momentum for the Kajang by-election gains, questions remain if PKR president and candidate Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah will assume the position of Selangor menteri besar if she were to clinch the state seat.

PKR’s Kajang move, essentially a step to consolidate its position in the state, was speculated to be a way for PKR de-facto leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim to assume the position of Selangor MB in order to supress the growing rift between factions of party deputy president Azmin Ali and current MB Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim.

This has been quashed by some of its leaders, namely Azmin himself and PKR strategic director Rafizi Ramli, who instead said the move was conducted to quell racial and religious attacks in the state.

However, Anwar had indicated that he was open to ascending the MB post if he were to win the state seat.

All that changed on March 7 when the Court of Appeal reversed the High Court’s decision in 2009 to acquit the Opposition leader of sodomy.

After being sentenced to five years imprisonment, Anwar found himself on a leash. He could not contest in the by-election. It was then announced that his wife Wan Azizah will be replacing him in the race.

Initial speculation posits that she will win the state seat, with a bigger majority this time around, thanks to the appellate court ruling.

About 52% of the 38,965 voters are women. Also, out of the total number of voters, 48% are Malay.

Non-Malay votes are considered a shoe-in for the Opposition.

However, this has to be tempered with the people’s sentiment of being jaded with the twists and turns that Malaysian politics have recently taken and current scenarios such as the missing MH370.

However, it remains to be seen if this will be the outcome of polls on March 23.

‘Patriarchy will be a challenge for Wan Azizah’

A political observer, who declined to be identified, told fz.com there is no way Wan Azizah will be MB of the state if she were to win the state seat.

“So Tan Sri Khalid is safe…for now,” he said.

The observer said Wan Azizah is more of a “reluctant politician” and was thrust into the fray out of necessity.

He also said the responsibilities that come with administering the state is not to be taken lightly.

“She is a reluctant politician,” he said.

“And unfortunately, the system is still very much patriarchal. She will find it hard to navigate through the politics to be effective,” he added.

However, that does not mean she does not have the essentials to assume the position, he said.

“Selangor has been very successful economically. However, she can contribute on the social aspect because more can be done in that aspect,” he said.

The observer said one of Khalid’s administration’s focus is not given towards promoting arts and culture, to which Wan Azizah can make significant contributions.

‘Wan Azizah more than capable of handling MB responsibilities’

PKR leaders, on the other hand, did not dismiss the possibility that Wan Azizah will assume the position of MB.

“That will be decided after the Kajang by-election,” Selangor PKR strategy chief Khalid Jaafar told fz.com.

“We have to settle Kajang first,” he added.

However, he also said the Kajang move’s purpose did not solely rest on the change of MB.

“We didn’t specify exclusively that Anwar will be MB. Did we announce that?

A lot of people thought he will be but we did not declare that,” he said.

“We are still on track with the Kajang move. A game is a game. When one player is out, a substitute is always put in,” he added.

Khalid Jaafar said Wan Azizah is a capable leader, as she had led the party during its darkest days following Anwar’s first conviction of sodomy in 1998 to 2004.

“She led PKR in a very turbulent time,” he said.

PKR vice-president R. Sivarasa echoed Khalid’s sentiment, saying the decision on whether Wan Azizah will assume the position of MB is still up for discussion.

‘Khalid will remain in the picture even if Wan Azizah were to be MB’

Sivarasa, however, said Wan Azizah is more than capable of assuming the position of MB.

“Most people think she is just a housewife but they forget that she is an academically bright doctor. She has the intellectual capacity for it,” he said.

“Don’t forget she is a medal-winning scholar when she did ophthalmology in Ireland. She also led PKR from 1998 to 2004,” he said.

Sivarasa said even if she were to assume the position of MB, she will not have to bear the responsibilities alone.

He said Khalid will still remain in the picture to offer his acumen in handling state administration.

“Khalid’s strength is Khalid himself. He is a principled person with integrity,” said Sivarasa.

“Even if she becomes MB, it does not mean that Khalid will be excluded. They will form a really good team.

“She will bring a social perspective to the administration focusing on unity and so on. Her personality will bring a more people-oriented, caring administration,” he added.

He also denied she will serve as a puppet for PKR to further their agenda in the state.

“She knows she is there to hold the fort,” he said.

However, it is worth noting that a press conference to announce her manifesto was not conducted by her but by Rafizi, who also answered questions from reporters on planned policies for the constituencies.

Factionalism has to be taken into account

Another important aspect of the Selangor politics is the factions of Azmin and Khalid within the state legislative assembly and grassroots politics.

Wan Azizah, as PKR president and Opposition leader sitting in the state assembly, may be just what is needed to ground the state legislative assembly and stemming any growing rifts.

However, it remains to be seen if she has the opportunity and ability to successfully do so.

In an interview with fz.com, Wan Azizah said factionalism is expected within a party, but the focus should always be on rendering service to the people.

“I think factionalism is something you can expect in a party but we should focus on service to the people,” she said.

“Factions, trying to get things here and there, it is expected. It is human behaviour. We can try to ignore or minimise this maneuvering. I think, because the bulk of Malaysians want to better our country so I think I am going to work on that,” she added

However, she also had expressed reluctance at assuming a position with heavy responsibilities, saying she is seeking a platform to be of service to the people, rather than positions or posts.

“I think (it is) not the position or the post I’m looking for. I think it’s more of service. Let’s take it a step at a time.

“Post and positions, I think, is a responsibility more than a privilege. I find it quite daunting to think of such a position and heavy responsibility but I have a glimmer of hope in myself and in the

consultative leadership that I think I can gather,” she said.

“But Tan Sri Khalid is still the MB and we have to take into consideration what he has done and his contributions,” she said.
