DAP chews Barisan candidate out for claiming Bukit Jalil in Selangor

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(TMI) – Barisan Nasional’s candidate in the Kajang by-election Datin Paduka Chew Mei Fun has been told to brush up on her geography before blaming the Selangor government for the deaths of six youths during a music festival at Bukit Jalil stadium last week.

State exco Datuk Teng Chang Khim (pic) who issued the reminder today, said Chew’s accusation against the state government was unfounded.

“I think she has to learn geography. Bukit Jalil is not in Selangor. It is in Kuala Lumpur,” Teng, who is also Selangor DAP vice-chairman, told a press conference in Shah Alam.

Chew, who is MCA vice-president, had linked the deaths of six youths at the Future Music Festival Asia concert to the Pakatan Rakyat Selangor government, claiming that they were caused by the increase of illegal massage parlours and cyber cafes in the state.

It was reported that the six youths, aged between 21 and 28, died of drug overdose on the second day of the festival last Friday.

Teng told Chew to first check her facts before making such allegations.

“The approval for the concert was from the Kuala Lumpur City Hall (DBKL), not Selangor. Check your facts first,” he said.

Teng also said the government has not approved any new licence applications for massage parlours and cyber cafes since 2008 when PR took over the state administration.

“Allegations that there are 200 more massage parlours… we do not know about them. We hope MCA who made the allegation will show us proof to help us take the necessary actions,” he said.

Chew is contesting the Kajang state seat against PKR president Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail, who is defending the seat vacated by PKR’s Lee Chin Cheh who resigned on January 27.

A total of 38,081 voters are expected to cast their votes in the by-election this Sunday.

