Water deal: We’ll call the shots, says MB


Leven Woon, FMT

Selangor Menteri Besar Abdul Khalid Ibrahim is unperturbed by the statement that the federal government will be taking over the state’s water assets for three years until the Langat 2 Water Treatment Plant is operational.

He is confident that the state would still be allowed to call the shots during the interim period.

“They say it is three years, but actually (in that period) they will give the state the authority to run the water assets.

“Indeed under Section 114 of the Water Services Industry Act (Wasia), the minister has the power to takeover the water assets. But after the takeover is executed the state will continue to manage it,” Khalid told reporters after attending a tourism event here today.

His statement was a clarification to Minister of Energy, Green Technology and Water Maximus Ongkili’s statement today regarding the invocation of Wasia which allows the federal government to forcefully take over the state’s water concessionaires for three years.

“It will be an interim three-year takeover until the first trickle of water comes through from the Langat 2 water treatment plant or earlier, depending on the situation.”

“After we take over, the water players in Selangor will continue to carry out the operations but subject to our terms. Under Section 114, the minister takes control, and the task force will oversee the water production and assets of the company,” Maximus was reported as saying today.


