
Before the all eligible voters of Kajang cast their votes on the 23 March, 2014, they are duty bound to answer a few pertinent questions. Then they can vote accordingly to their intelligence and conscience.

FIRSTLY, why was this by-election called for, when normally a by-election is only called upon the death of an elected representative or disqualified by law.

For the layman’s understanding, the winner must have fallen too ill, or upon sudden death, or major financial crisis, or being charged and convicted in Court, or such personal problem driving him insane, etc.

The answer, none of the above. Then what is the reason of this unwanted elections?

SECONDLY, was there a deal? i.e. was any inducement given to step down. The voters until now don’t know, as to what is the actual truth.

THIRDLY, eight (8) months ago was the PRU-13 for the whole country. Why didn’t Datin Seri Wan Azizah contest at that time? Or, even if Dato’ Seri Anwar Ibrahim wanted to contest – why didn’t he? Why spend tax-payers money unnecessarily when PKR talks of increasing costs.

FOURTHLY, a young elected candidate from the Chinese community was elected and forced to resign. If UMNO is alleged to bully MCA, is the Chinese not bullied by PKR? The Kajang seat is given to a non-Chinese. Is there no Chinese candidate at all? If not depriving a Chinese then it’s within a family. So, the BIG question, what and who are the Kajang voters voting for? Certainly not integrity, creditability, fairness, justice or transparency.

FIFTHLY, what the PKR always complain about BN is arrogance, nepotism, cronyism, racism, manipulative, quarrelsome, high-handedness, autocratic, non-transparent, corruption and increase in spending.

All that the PKR have said against BN is exactly what they are doing. They are looking at the mirror and speaking about themselves.

i. Arrogant ~ because they can force and demand a by-election.

ii. Nepotism ~ as if there is no other candidate except Anwar Ibrahim’s wife.

iii. Cronyism ~ because to support his friend Azmin against Tan Sri Khalid, the MB.

iv. Racism ~ because PKR remove a Chinese candidate and put a Malay candidate.

v. Manipulate ~ because you ask a normal person to resign, then announce that the boss will contest, later put his wife as candidate. All with the intention to remove the MB and satisfy his friend Azmin.

vi. Quarrelsome ~ because of the fight between Azmin and Khalid (MB), and to solve their internal fight, they forced a by-election.

vii. High-handedness ~ because can ask an elected representative to resign and again ask the same voters to vote for his wife.

viii. Autocratic ~ because nobody can question their actions anymore. They do as they please.

ix. Non-transparent ~ because what is the truth of this young man resigning to have a by-election. Why must the wife contest in this area? Why not any other capable candidate from the Chinese community?

x. Corruption ~ because was there any money paid to resign and then to keep quiet? Where is he? Why don’t he go door to door and apologise to the voters about his stepping down unceremoniously.

xi. Increase in spending ~ because PKR have made tax-payers’ money to be spent on an unwanted unnecessary by-election.

This episode of a by-election by PKR have basically taken the people for granted, that the people of Kajang will blindly surrender their votes to PKR again.

Whether PKR is correct in taking the people for granted and whether the people will blindly vote again for a dubiously replaced candidate is in the good judgment of the voters of Kajang.

It’s clearly a people VS PKR by-election and let’s see if the people are willing to lose face and respect or will reject such gutter politics by saving face, respect and teaching a lesson for all politicians to learn.


President PPP Malaysia

