‘I was sacked’, Azmin tells PKNS inquiry

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(MM) – PKR’s Azmin Ali insisted today that he was sacked, and not just suspended, from the board of the Selangor State Development Corporation (PKNS) in January this year.

Speaking during the Selangor government’s public inquiry into PKNS’s mass sackings, Azmin said he has documents to back his view that he was no longer part of the state government-linked company.

“For me it’s easy, I was sacked, and I will give all the documents that I was sacked,” the PKR deputy president told Selangor’s Select Committee of Competency, Accountability, and Transparency (Selcat) during the proceedings that was streamed live online.

Azmin was replying to Selcat member Nik Nazmi Nik Ahmad, who had pointed out that Selangor Mentri Besar Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim had this morning testified that Azmin’s status in the PKNS board was still “tergantung” or suspended.

Later, after showing the Selcat panel a few documents, Azmin remarked at the alleged lack of “courtesy” where he was not informed that his position in PKNS was purportedly up for consideration in a Selangor executive council meeting on November 13 last year.

This was despite his presence in a PKNS meeting on November 12, just a day before he was sacked, Azmin claimed.

“My explanation, I hold on to the documents that are in my hands and I still hold the view that I have been sacked from PKNS,” the Gombak MP said.

When asked today if he would be prepared to continue serving if he was appointed to PKNS again, Azmin repeated that he had been sacked.

But when pressed, the Bukit Antarabangsa lawmaker said: “I will not answer hypothetical questions in this matter because the intention is already clear.”

On January 10, Azmin reportedly received a letter from PKNS which informed him that his tenure on the board of the state firm would not be renewed.

