Anwar fails to erase ‘homosexual’ remark from first sodomy trial


(MM) – The Federal Court today dismissed Opposition Leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim’s attempt to remove a reference of homosexuality from his Sodomy I acquittal a decade ago.

Chief Judge of Malaya Tan Sri Zulkefli Ahmad Makinudin said then Federal Court judge Abdul Hamid Mohamad was entitled to his opinion that the sexual act, for which Anwar was subsequently sacked as the deputy prime minister in 1998, had taken place.

“We are of the view that the majority judgment accepted that the sexual incident forming the crux of the charge did in fact occur but were doubtful as to when it in fact took place,” said Zulkefli when reading out the unanimous judgement of the five-man panel.

“Oh, ya Allah! Any case against Anwar surely we will loose. It is just like other written judgements against me,” exclaimed Anwar, upon hearing the dismissal.

Anwar was acquitted of his first sodomy charge after the Federal Court ruled in a two-to-one majority decision in the PKR de facto chief’s favour on September 2, 2004.

But Abdul Hamid, who chaired the panel then, included in the majority judgement that they were inclined to believe that Anwar and his adopted brother Sukma Darmawan Saasmitaat (pic), who was jointly charged, had engaged in sodomy.

