Stop monopolising Allah!


Muslims make a big mistake by mixing Arabic culture with Islam. Many believe that it was Prophet Muhammad who brought Islam, but this can’t be further away from what the Quran says.

Ro Waseem, TMI

Amid the mournful incident of MH370, it was reported recently that the Malaysian Islamic Propagation Organisation (Pekida) was willing to suffer a bloodbath for Islam and the country, including defending the word “Allah”.

Bloodbath – right. Thanks for using such a non-violent term to represent Islam. We really needed that! Ironically, the biggest enemies of Islam are not people outside of Islam, rather the very prominent representatives of Islam who, for some reason, never fail to bring shame to us all. Cheers to the new round!

Let me assure you, as long as we have organizations like Pekida around, you can be sure that Islam will remain a laughing stock for the masses. And, why shouldn’t they? When Muslim leaders come out with such insane stuff, how can we expect any better?

Instead of using their prominent position to their benefit in bringing a positive light to Islam, they’d rather prefer wasting other people’s time by focusing on the most ridiculous and silliest of things. Today, they want non-Muslims to refrain from using the word Allah. Tomorrow, who knows?

I mean we’ve digressed to a point where we now want a copyright on “Allah”. Shameful, to say the least!

Islam is not an Arabic religion

Muslims make a big mistake by mixing Arabic culture with Islam. Many believe that it was Prophet Muhammad who brought Islam, but this can’t be further away from what the Quran says. The truth of the matter is that Islam is not a recent, 7th century Arabic religion. It is the same religion that was revealed to all prophets:

He has ordained for you all, the same System of Life that He enjoined upon Noah – And We have revealed to you (O Prophet!) the same message as We enjoined upon Abraham, Moses, and Jesus: “Establish the Divine System of Life and make no sects in it (do not be divided)”. (Quran, 42:13)

Prophet Muhammad said: And I have followed the religion of my fathers, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. (Quran, 12:38)

Having established that, it is obvious that Prophets throughout the times referred to God in their own respective languages. Hence, Allah is not a proper noun for the “God of Muslims”. It simply means “The God” in Arabic. Since the Quran is in Arabic, it refers to the Supreme Being as Allah. Similarly, if it was in any other language, it would refer to Him by the equivalent word for God in that language.

From a Quranic point of view, one can observe that Allah is not the name of a unique God that Muslims believe in, rather it is an all encompassing term for the Supreme Being regardless of the faith one subscribes to.

Christians, Jews, and other religious groups are seen as using the word Allah to denote God in the Quran, and never has this been contested in any verse (5:17, 5:18, 5:72, 5:73). To give you a few examples:

Surely those who acknowledge (this divine book); and those who are Jewish, and the Nazarenes, and the Sabians, whomever of them believes in ALLAH and the Last Day and does acts of reform; they will have their reward with their Lord, with no fear over them, nor will they grieve. (Quran, 2:62)

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