Go find the plane if you’re so good, Soi Lek tells Pakatan


(MM) – Pakatan Rakyat (PR) needs to stop exploiting the MH370 crisis, as the government has done all it can to manage the multi-national search effort, Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek claimed today.

The former MCA president trained his sights on opposition leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim and senior DAP leader Lim Kit Siang for allegedly trying to score political mileage by blaming the government over the plane’s disappearance.

“This disgusting and dirty politics must stop. The MH370 tragedy is not a political issue and it should not be brought onto the political stage,” he said in a statement.

“If Pakatan Rakyat feel they can come up with a better solution to this tragedy than the government, I challenge them to search for the MH370 plane which could not be found by 26 countries despite having the most advanced technology,” Dr Chua added.

The government has been roundly criticised by the opposition and foreign media over its handling of the search for the Malaysia Airlines-owned Boeing 777-200, with families of the Chinese passengers going so far as to accuse Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s administration of being murderers.

Dr Chua today said some of the reports by western media such as CNN and Fox News had gone too far in linking Muslim Malaysians to terrorism.

“This tragedy has nothing to do with religion. The western media should be more responsible in their reports. Even if I am not a Muslim the accusation against Malaysia’s Muslim community is something that must be criticised,” he said.

Dr Chua also slammed the so-called Red Bean Army for sowing confusion by excessive politicising of the disappearance of the plane and its 239 passengers and crew.

He said campaigns seeking Najib’s resignation over the missing plane have mushroomed on web pages allegedly run by members of the Army — which MCA leaders have long claimed to be linked to rivals DAP.

“These extreme comments by members of the Red Bean Army can be considered a show of disrespect for the families and victims of MH370.

“The authorities must be (stricter) with those who deliberately challenge the sovereignty and image of the country. They have freedom of speech but this freedom does not mean they can speak without limits,” Dr Chua said.

