Perkasa Allowed IN / PKR Kicked OUT


We have the proof of Ibrahim Ali’s own hand that he was indeed in Sarawak, because he personally signed for drinks and snacks at the Harbour View Hotel in Kuching, where he stayed for two nights in Room 307.

Sarawak Report

Sarawak Report can demonstrate that the statement by the Immigration Department that the leader of the Malay supremacist group Perkasa did not visit Sarawak last week is untrue.

We have the proof of Ibrahim Ali’s own hand that he was indeed in Sarawak, because he personally signed for drinks and snacks at the Harbour View Hotel in Kuching, where he stayed for two nights in Room 307.

Sarawak Report has received exclusive photos of those receipts

We can confirm that the visit to Kuching last week was arranged in the name Perkasa (which calls itself an NGO) by its Secretary General, Syed Hassan Syed Ali.

Syed Ali booked four rooms under the name of Perkasa at the Harbour View, which costs approximately RM150 a night, for the nights of the 20th and 21st of March.

We have copies of those registrations.

The group then spent several hours drinking and talking till midnight in the hotel restaurant area with members of the group PKMS – Persatuan Kebangsaan Melayu Sarawak (National Association of Sarawak Malays), who reportedly invited the right-wing extremist Perkasa group over to address their organisation.

Ibrahim Ali at Kuching's Harbour View Hotel dining with Malay supremacist colleagues from Perkasa and

Ibrahim Ali at Kuching’s Harbour View Hotel dining with Malay supremacist colleagues from Perkasa and PKMS

The proof – EXCLUSIVE!

'Dato' Ibrahim Ali' of Room 307 signed the bill at the Harbour Hotel

‘Dato’ Ibrahim Ali’ of Room 307 signed the bill at the Harbour Hotel

Following outrage over the visit and reports that the Perkasa leader is preparing to launch a new chapter of his notorious, right-wing ‘hate organsation’ in Sarawak, the state Immigration Department yesterday issued a stoutdenial that he had visited the state.

This misinformation has apparently been backed up by police and special branch and was reported in the local press.

However, we can demonstrate that a carbon copy Ibrahim Ali look-alike was not only sitting in the Harbour View Hotel with Perkasa colleagues on Friday night, but he signed the bill in his own name, proudly using his title Dato’ Ibrahim Ali and citing the number of his room 307 (left).

We also have a copy of his hotel booking which was made out in the name of Perkasa and its Secretary General Syed Hassan Syed Ali.

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