All 38 DAP MPs will oppose any attempt by PAS to introduce hudud in Kelantan


Karpal Singh

MCA deputy president, Datuk Dr. Wee Ka Siong, should not throw idle challenges [The Star 9th April, 2014 page 10] requiring non-Muslim MPs in the DAP to state their stand on the private members bill proposed by PAS to pave the way for the implementation of hudud in Kelantan. Dr. Wee should realise the MCA’s dismal performance in the 13th general election does not give it that moral high ground to pontificate to the DAP which won 38 parliamentary seats to the MCA’s sad count of only 7 seats.

Lim Kit Siang, the member of Parliament for Gelang Patah and DAP adviser, and DAP secretary-general, Lim Guan Eng, have time and again publicly opposed PAS’ attempts to introduce hudud in the country. For the record, I have time and again in the past as chairman of the DAP opposed introduction of hudud in the country and as recently as 7th April, 2014 stated that the 38 DAP MPs in the Dewan Rakyat will oppose any attempt by PAS to introduce hudud in Kelantan by the introduction of a private members’ bill. On that score, the MCA can rest assured.

Dr. Wee should not behave like the proverbial ostrich in refusing to acknowledge that the DAP has consistently, through its leaders, far from keeping silent and being evasive, publicly opposed the introduction of hudud in the country in the national interest as hudud is not relevant in the present and further any private members’ bill to introduce hudud in the country, or any part of it, will be clearly unconstitutional.

I call upon Dr. Wee to cease and desist from further making baseless and ridiculous allegations against the DAP. If he persists in doing so, the DAP will not hesitate to seek a judicial pronouncement on his conduct.

