Move cautiously, says Ku Li on hudud

Ku Li

He fears conflict with the Federal Constitution and current criminal legislation

P. Ramani, FMT

Umno veteran Tunku Razaleigh Hamzah has weighed in on the controversy over Kelantan’s move to implement the hudud provisions of Islamic law.

Speaking to reporters in the parliament lobby today, he said the move should be carried out carefully to prevent conflicts with existing criminal legislation and the Federal Constitution.

Lawmakers needed to find a mechanism that would provide the proper balance, he added.

He also spoke of the possibility of other states following suit if Kelantan were to eventually implement hudud, saying differences might surface. There would be a need for streamlining, he said.

Hudud is an element of Islamic law and refers to the class of punishments that are fixed for certain crimes, including apostasy, theft, fornication and consumption of intoxicants.

Kelantan Umno chief Mustapa Mohamad told FMT by text message that he was pursuing an Umno Supreme Council discussion on the Kelantan move.

“The important thing is the facilities for the implementation of the law should be ready so that it runs well when it is implemented,” he said.

He also said there was a need to educate the public about the issue.

“Even some MPs are not well versed about it,” he added.


