Fong hesitates over PKR’s conditional acceptance


Pujut assemblyman Fong Pau Teck wants to get back into politics now that he’s received “confimation” that his appeal against his sacking from DAP has been rejected

(FMT) – Sacked Pujut state assemblyman Fong Pau Teck is expected to join PKR once the party has resolved “issues” with DAP.

“I have not submitted my application. I want to wait and see. I know the state DAP is trying to block my way by asserting pressure on PKR,” said Fong.

He said he was eager to jump back into politics after waiting on he wayside following his sacking from the party.

Fong, who joined DAP in 2002, was expelled from the party in November last year, for insubordination and refusing to pay the mandatory monthly contribution to the party. The decision, by the party’s disciplinary committee, to sack him was reportedly unanimous.

He submitted an appeal within two weeks of the date of his expulsion letter but it  was turned down in Feburary.

On Tuesday Fong said he finally received the confirmation of his sacking in a registered letter date March 24.

He said he was now free to get back to ‘work’.

“I joined politics not for power, money or status. My stand remains the same until today. I will make my stand clear if I were to join PKR one day,” he said.

Fong’s active participation in PKR’s recent Balingian by-election campaign has fueled talk that he will be joining PKR.

PKR has expressed their willingness to accept Fong into the party on condition that he adhered to their party principles and accepted the understanding among component parties within Pakatan.

Said a party insider: “It will be a conditional acceptance. Fong will not be allowed to criticise DAP.


