Hudud: It’s always a big no – Anwar


(The Malaysian Times) – Opposition leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim said that the Pakatan Rakyat’s stand on hudud implementation hudud has not changed.

The PKR de facto leader was commenting on PAS’ intention to table a motion in Parliament to implement Hudud in Kelantan.

PAS president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang, who is Marang MP, had said he would table the Bill to get the Dewan Rakyat’s approval for the law and another Bill to amend the constitution to provide for the Bill.

DAP and PKR officials had criticised the PAS move, saying this was not included in the agreement among the opposition parties.

Despite the objections and criticisms, PAS central working committee member Nasrudin Hassan said PAS would go ahead to enforce the Islamic penal code and would respond only when it received “official complaints” from its allies.

In response, DAP supremo Lim Kit Siang was reported to have said the DAP had not changed its position on hudud as it felt the penal code does not suit Malaysia’s diverse society.

