JAIS should have no more jurisdiction over us


As we have been declared to be non-Muslims, JAIS should have no more jurisdiction over us.

Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat Malaysia 

On Friday 11th April 2014, a team of about 30 people whose leader identified themselves as enforcement officers from the Selangor Islamic Religious Department (JAIS) came to our “Solat Centre” (Prayer Centre) at No.16-2, Dolomite Park Avenue, Jalan Batu Caves, 68100 Selangor at about 2.00pm, just after we had finished performing our Friday congregational prayer. The leader produced a warrant to “geledah” (ransack/search) our solat centre which is located on the second floor, above Moonnight Hotel (a budget hotel) located on the first floor.

At first our members tried to prevent them from entering our solat centre, because they have no jurisdiction over us as we have been declared by official fatwas (religious rulings) of the state of Selangor as early as 1953 as kafir (non Muslim). However they proceeded to enter our solat centre and arrested 41 of our members.

Thirty seven of us were loaded into one lorry and a van and brought to the JAIS headquarters in Shah Alam, some 50km away. Meanwhile, four others were brought in a car to a JAIS office in Gombak nearby. At the same time, our Muballigh (Missionary) who gave the Friday Khutbah (sermon) was brought seperately to a police station nearby and then to the JAIS headquarters at Shah Alam, where his statement was taken down and a notice to appear in court on 23rd October 2014 was given to him. All the others had their particulars taken down and were given appointment dates for their statements to be taken by JAIS.

While they were at the solat centre, several enforcement officers were aggressive, especially to our members who were trying to record the incident on their handphones. Several reporters who claimed to be JAIS officers but whom we suspected were from the Harian Metro Malay language newspaper took video recording and photographs of the raid. On 12th April 2014 (today) the raid is published in Harian Metro and a video recording of the raid has been uploaded onto Youtube.

We, the members of the Jamaat Ahmadiyya Muslim Malaysia residing in Selangor and Kuala Lumpur feel shocked and saddened at this very blatant attempt to stop us from performing our Friday prayers. As we have been declared to be non-Muslims, JAIS should have no more jurisdiction over us. The whole incident smacks of an attempt to prevent us from observing our religious observances and to deny us our religious freedom. The fact that we are praying at this solat centre is because we have been prevented from saying our Friday prayers at our mission house (Baitussalam) in Kampung Nakhoda, Batu Caves. So if we still cannot perform our Friday prayers here at the solat centre, where can we pray?

This is a sorry state of affairs in Selangor, the most developed state in Malaysia. It is also shameful that this is happening in Malaysia, which wants to portray itself as a modern, progressive and exemplary Islamic state.

We therefore call on all Malaysians who have eyes and hearts for justice to give us their moral support against another onslought on the freedom of religion in this country.

Yours sincerely,

Ainul Yakin M.Zain
(Public Relations Officer)

