DAP man supports Azmin as PKR No 2


A blogger and Opposition MP supports Azmin Ali to win PKR’s deputy president post

(FMT) – A prominent blogger and DAP lawmaker has hedged his bets on Azmin Ali to win the heated four cornered fight for the PKR deputy presidency.

Ariff Sabri Abdul Aziz who handles the ‘Sakmongkol AK47′ blog and is also the Raub MP said that in his personal opinion, he wants Azmin to win the race as PKR needs a strong political leader.

Explaining his choice, Ariff said in his blog that political power is entrenched and secure with the correct political leadership, qualities he sees in Azmin.

“If I may say bluntly, PKR is not all about Anwar Ibrahim. If he goes to jail and there is every indication that the Federal Court will uphold the conviction by the appeals court, his wife Wan Azizah Wan Ismail will lead PKR.

“You may argue that Wan Azizah is qualified to lead PKR, but she needs the support of a politically experienced deputy. The deputy will likely be the one to run the party on the day to day basis,” said Ariff.

He also wrote that the PKR party should be led in a political style and not as a corporate entity or a management-centric organisation.

“The overriding objective is to have leadership with the resolve, dedication and discipline to defeat BN.

“For a person like (Selangor MB) Khalid Ibrahim to do what he can do as a business savvy person, political power must be won and consolidated.

“If Pakatan Rakyat (PR) loses Selangor, then Khalid or a person of his calibre has no place to apply his skills.

“Therefore what is needed more is a political leader. Now that PR has won Selangor, it needs a leader schooled in politics above all. Since PKR’s man is the MB, then PKR’s leader must be a political man,” added Ariff.


