PKR ‘dream team’ outlines election roadmap

Dream Team

(The Star) – PKR deputy president aspirant Datuk Saifuddin Nasution Ismail has called on the party to expedite the seat allocation process, which he said has caused problems with the party’s component members in the past.

Speaking to reporters at the party’s headquarters here on Tuesday, Saifuddin said this was part of his election agenda with his team dubbed the ‘dream team’ should they win the party polls this May.

“The uncertainty surrounding the seat allocation has halted our preparation in so many occasions.

“Many were left disappointed when there was a last minute decision (to change candidates) and this became controversial,” said Saifuddin.

The outgoing secretary-general, who was flanked by his teammates, vice president candidates Rafizi Ramli and Nurul Izzah Anwar, said the matter should at least be ironed by latest March 2015, three years before the next anticipated general election in 2018.

Last general election; there had been occasions of overlapping decisions on candidates within Pakatan Rakyat alliance that had cost them the seats they were contesting.

“I will keep voicing out to ensure that the system is revamped entirely.

“A consultation with component members DAP and PAS should be held immediately within this year.

“This will give space to the party to choose and filter their candidates as early as August so we could brief them on serving their seats,” he said.

Other two points, said Saifuddin, include attracting more youths to the party as it has been projected that 60 percent of new voters next general election will be under 30 years.

“We have to address issues affecting the young people by closing the gap between the senior leaders and this young generation,” he said.

The third strategy, added Saifuddin, was to fend off attacks by party rivals Umno whom he claimed had played up the race cards.

“Our main cause of Malay voters deficit is our failure to face these attacks.

“It needs to be answered by the Malay leaders in our alliance to show that the Malays are fair and are not scared to compete healthily with other races,” he said.

