Gerakan: DAP has betrayed the Chinese


It asked the community to support PAS in the last general election and now has to face the consequences of the Islamist party’s move to table the hudud bill in Parliament.

(FMT) – Penang Gerakan has accused the DAP of hoodwinking the Chinese community and opening the floodgates for PAS to achieve its Islamist state agenda.

Its secretary, Oh Tong Keong, said the Chinese voters had trusted and voted for DAP to strive for greater benefits for the Chinese community in the last two general elections.

But, he said the community has now ended up being betrayed as DAP’s ally in Pakatan Rakyat, PAS would be tabling the hudud bill in the Parliament soon for implementation.

For expediency and wanting to wrest power, he said the DAP had asked the Chinese community to support PAS in the two general elections in 2008 and 2013.

In the process, he said DAP had garnered 85% of the Chinese voters in the 2013 General Election.

“This has opened the floodgates for PAS, its close ally in Pakatan, to turn our country into an Islamic state,” said Oh in a media statement today.

He said MCA and Gerakan parliamentarians would be insignificant to stop PAS as both parties collectively only have eight MPs now.


