Hudud: Why not? PAS to ask DAP, PKR

Mohd Amar Nik Abdullah

(TMT) – The PAS-led Kelantan government will meet the DAP and Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) to shed light on the tabling two private bills on hudud in Parliament this year as well as to hear their objection.

Its deputy menteri besar, Datuk Mohd Amar Nik Abdullah said the state government wanted to hear the reasons why the DAP and PKR opposed the proposed bills and likewise they also had to listen to PAS explanation.

“Whether they accept it or not, it’s their right. The law (hudud) had already been accepted in Kelantan long before the existence of Pakatan Rakyat. It was approved by the State Assembly (in 1993).

“So the issue does not arise as Pakatan Rakyat came later and the bills are not intended for the national level, but only in Kelantan,” he told reporters at his office here Tuesday.

The Kelantan government, through PAS members of Parliament, plans to table the motions to pave the way for the implementation the Syariah Criminal Code (II) 1993 in the state early next year, reported Bernama.

(Hudud refers to specific rules or laws decreed by God with mandatory punishment meted out to those convicted. Punishment for offences are corporal in nature, involving whipping, stoning to death and amputation of limbs).

Mohd Amar, who is also state hudud technical committee chairman, had been quoted as saying that the draft bills were ready except for a bit of fine-tuning and the earliest date for the tabling was June.

DAP adviser Lim Kit Siang, DAP publicity chief Tony Pua and PKR vice-president N. Surendran had said in no uncertain term that hudud was not part of the consensus agreed upon by the parties within Pakatan Rakyat and they would oppose the bills.

Calling on MPs from the DAP and PKR, especially Muslims, to support the bills, Mohd Amar said the Kelantan government briefed PAS top leaders on the bills yesterday.

“After this, we will meet Pakatan Rakyat, then the people of Kelantan, especially non-Muslims,” he said, adding that he hoped the PAS Supporters Assembly would give its cooperation by explaining hudud to non-Muslims.

“Since its inception, the PAS Supporters Assembly had supported PAS and they know PAS wants to uphold Islamic law.

“As they support PAS, it means that they are willing to accept PAS struggle. So, they have to play their part by explaining hudud to non-Muslims,” he added.

