Told to ‘shut up’ on Twitter, Zul Noordin lashes back at Khairy

Khairy Jamaluddin

Justin Ong, Malay Mail Online

A feud is breaking out between former Perkasa vice president Datuk Zulkifli Noordin and Umno Youth chief Khairy Jamaluddin on Twitter.

Told unequivocally by the minister to “shut up” after suggesting the late Karpal Singh’s death removed an obstacle to hudud Islamic law yesterday, the former Kulim MP this morning aimed a series of dismissive barbs belittling Khairy.

“I am actually not bothered to entertain Pak Lah’s son-in-law because I sympathise with Datuk Seri Najib. So I will answer only once so they can all sleep peacefully, (Teman sbnrny sbnrny malas nk layan mnantu Pak Lah ni krn mngasihani DS Najib!Jd teman akn jwb hny skli je yop spya mike smua boleh tdoq lena)” he posted on Twitter.

“@Dear mnantu Pak Lah:pls don’t b a knee-jerk politician!We don’t need another Anwar in this country!Ok yop?”

Khairy is married to the daughter of former prime minister Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi. Abdullah is commonly known as Pak Lah and was succeeded by Datuk Seri Najib Razak.

Today, Zulkifli sought to explain his offending tweet from before by claiming that him saying Allah “killed off” Karpal was consistent with Islam.

He said Islam teaches that all death comes from Allah, and that Allah decides when a person dies.

Khairy responded later to Zulkifli’s messages and challenged him to address his complaints directly to the Umno Youth chief, rather than using the indirect reference to Pak Lah.

“@zulkiflinoordin Next time you have something to say, mention me. @khairykj. That’s my handle. Be a man. And be a decent human being,” he wrote.

Barely hours after Karpal was killed in a traffic accident yesterday, Zulkifli posted the following message on Twitter.

“The Kelantan PAS government wants to enforce hudud law with the help of Umno. Allah has killed off Karpal who was the major opponent of its implementation! (Dlm keadaan kemelut Krjn PAS Klntn mau mlaksanakn hudud dgn bantuan UMNO, Allah tlh mmatikn Karpal yg mnjadi pnentang utama prlaksanaannya!)”

Karpal had been one of the staunchest opponents to repeated attempts to introduce Islamic law in Malaysia.

“Shut up. Really, just shut up,” Khairy then wrote in response, using his Twitter handle @Khairykj.

Since then, other Umno Youth members have taken up the banner and criticised Zulkifli over the message.

Malay rights group Perkasa has also sought to distance itself from its former vice president, insisting that Zulkifli’s views were entirely his own.

Karpal was killed after the Toyota Alphard MPV he was travelling crashed following a collision with a lorry along the North-South Highway near Gopeng, Perak yesterday morning.

