Pakatan must understand Kelantan’s hudud first before supporting it, says Anwar


“We as Muslims cannot dispute the laws of the Quran. I am not former prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad.”

(The Malaysian Insider) – The model and implementation of hudud law which the Kelantan government is preparing to introduce needs to be understood in-depth first, said Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.

“We must understand what the hudud law is about first before Pakatan Rakyat coalition parties support the Kelantan government’s plans,” said the opposition leader last night.

“Several issues must be discussed first, including basic Islamic matters, such as deviant teachings and anti-Hadith before hudud is taken to the next stage.

“We as Muslims cannot dispute the laws of the Quran. I am not former prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad.”

“We have to accept. We have to understand. If we wait for fatwa (edict), all fatwas will be applied onto us,” Anwar said addressing a Reformasi 2.0 gathering in Kuala Lumpur last night.

Anwar said hudud could only be implemented if reforms were carried out in the Islamic religious departments and their methods of enforcement reviewed.

“If implemented, hudud must be executed in a clear and transparent manner in line with genuine Islamic teachings and not give political importance to certain quarters.

“There are so many new changes we have to discuss as there are all kinds of laws. I sued Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan, but the Shariah Court has remained silent for four years,” he said.


