Former Bar Council president joins Anwar’s defence team

Sulaiman Abdullah

V. Anbalagan, The Malaysian Insider

Senior lawyer Datuk Sulaiman Abdullah has been roped in to replace the late Karpal Singh in the defence team in preparation of Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim’s sodomy appeal in the Federal Court.

Lawyer Ramkarpal Singh said he was informed today of Sulaiman’s inclusion.

“It is Anwar’s prerogative. However, others who appeared in the Court of Appeal, including me, will remain,” he said.

ulaiman, a renowned civil lawyer and once a law lecturer, has agreed to the appointment.

Apart from Karpal and his son Ramkarpal, the others in the team were Sangeet Kaur Deo (Karpal’s daughter) and Zaleha Al-Hayat.

Sulaiman, a former Bar Council president, is no stranger to the case, having appeared for Anwar in the early stages when the opposition leader was first charged in the Sessions Court in 2008.

He represented Anwar in numerous interlocutory applications which went up to the Federal Court.

Karpal was appointed to conduct the sodomy trial after Sulaiman (pic, above) was ill and hospitalised.

Meanwhile, Ramkarpal said he had written to the Federal Court to ask for an extension of time to file the petition of appeal.


