Stick to the fatwa: Do not use the expression “Rest in peace”


Nurul Imran Damyati,

Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Datuk Seri Jamil Khir Baharom today said Muslims should stick to the fatwa issued by the National Fatwa Council that discourages Muslims from using the expression ‘rest in peace’.
He said since it was a fatwa issued by the council, Muslims should abide by it.
“We will stick to the fatwa by the National Fatwa Council,” he said today after handing out excellence service awards to Federal Territory Islamic Religious Council (MAIWP) members.
Last year, a fatwa was issued by the National Fatwa Coucil prohibiting Muslims from using the expression ‘rest in peace’ to express condolences to non-Muslims.
According to the council, Muslims are allowed to express condolences to non-Muslims but it must not have any religious connotations.
The issue of the fatwa resurfaced on social media following the passing of  the late DAP veteran leader Karpal Singh who died in an accident on April 17.
On Perkasa leader Zulkifli Noordin and BN’s Langkawi MP Datuk Nawawi Ahmad who rejoiced  Karpal’s death, Jamil Khir advised that as fellow human beings, respect must be given to those who have passed away and even to those who are still alive.
“I haven’t seen what they said but we as humans, we must respect each other at all times.
“By doing this, we will ensure the relations between us is always maintained,” said Jamil Khir.
When asked about any action being taken against them, he said he was yet to see the ill comments made and that he was not responsible for metting our any punishment.

