The Crying Shame of Pakatan Rakyat


The coalition parties of Pakatan Rakyat have differing views about hudud and yet claim to work together for the nation. If they cannot agree on ONE important issue, how will they be able to rule Malaysia?


The departure of the late YB Karpal Singh also signifies the exit of the sole voice who made a strong stand against the implementation of hudud in Malaysia. Who will now speak up for Malaysians, especially on the hudud issue?

Who else dares to take a firm stand like  Karpal Singh’s immovable position?

The coalition parties of Pakatan Rakyat have differing views about hudud and yet claim to work together for the nation. If they cannot agree on ONE important issue, how will they be able to rule Malaysia?

How much longer can Pakatan Rakyat leaders continue to give us hogwash in their attempt to defend their unwillingness and slowness in reaching consensus? Look at the views of Lim Guan Eng and Anwar Ibrahim. Are they moving in the same direction?

Judge for yourself.


Lim Guan Eng said:

a.    AP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng today said that there was no agreement within Pakatan Rakyat on the hudud issue, pointing out that DAP’s objection to it meant that there was no consensus among the three parties.

b.    “Under Pakatan, there must be consensus by all three parties on policy matters. As DAP does not support the implementation of the hudud, the issue of Pakatan supporting the hudud does not arise,” he said in a statement.

c.    “Pakatan’s position has not changed because DAP’s position in opposing the implementation of the hudud has not changed,” he added.

d.    He further said that Pakatan’s common policy platform as well as the 2008 and 2013 general election manifesto do not include the implementation of the hudud or the establishment of the Islamic state.


Anwar Ibrahim said:

a.    The model and implementation of hudud law which the Kelantan government is preparing to introduce needs to be understood in-depth first, said Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.

b.    “We must understand what the hudud law is about first before Pakatan Rakyat coalition parties support the Kelantan government’s plans,” said the opposition leader last night.

c.    “Several issues must be discussed first, including basic Islamic matters, such as deviant teachings and anti-Hadith before hudud is taken to the next stage.

d.    “We as Muslims cannot dispute the laws of the Quran. I am not former prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad.

e.    “We have to accept. We have to understand. If we wait for fatwa (edict), all fatwas will be applied onto us,” Anwar said addressing a Reformasi 2.0 gathering in Kuala Lumpur last night.

f.     Anwar said hudud could only be implemented if reforms were carried out in the Islamic religious departments and their methods of enforcement reviewed.

g.    “If implemented, hudud must be executed in a clear and transparent manner in line with genuine Islamic teachings and not give political importance to certain quarters.

h.    He said the implementation of hudud in Kelantan would be studied in detail and Menteri Besar Datuk Ahmad Yakob would also be giving explanations.


If Pakatan Rakyat coalition parties cannot reach consensus, they should dissolve the pact and stand on their own.

Any resistance to do so is a deep confirmation of their marriage of convenience convened only for their personal interests, not that of Malaysians.

What a crying shame!

