Why its best for the Selangor MB to resign


Some people in selangor still don’t have water although it is raining everyday.

Nehru S.M.

I feel the Selangor MB must go. Some people in selangor still don’t have water although it is raining everyday. It might not be the MB’s fault, but it is his responsibility. If nothing else, at the bare minimum, water and land are the two things that the goverment must take care of. The MB does not need to work. The MB takes the best seats at every function. The MB is given a red carpet welcome wherever he goes.


Because when things go wrong, the MB is expected to take responsibility for the screw up.

I am not asking the MB to hang from a ceiling fan, I am not asking the Selangor MB to fall on his own sword, I am not asking for the Selangor MB to disembowel himself.

I am just asking the MB to put his signature on a piece of paper that will be equivalent to saying ” I am sorry I disappointed everyone. ”

Its the least the MB can do to preserve his self respect.

Its the least the MB can do to ensure the Selangorians at least retain their self-respect.
