Liow: DAP will be held responsible if hudud is implemented

(The Star) – By attempting to implement hudud in Kelantan, PAS has not only betrayed its allies in Pakatan Rakyat but also the non-Muslims’ trust, while the DAP should be blamed for empty promises that it would defend the constitutional rights of the people, said MCA president Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai.

“DAP will be held responsible if PAS succeeds in enforcing such laws in Kelantan first, and eventually the whole of Malaysia.

“DAP has done nothing but maintain that they are dead set against the implementation of hudud, and they were caught unawares by the secretive unilateral move by PAS that is tantamount to railroading the two private member’s Bill to Parliament in June.

“On the contrary, MCA and other Barisan Nasional parties had stated their stand from day one, and we will champion the cause of the non-Muslims to protect their interests regardless of colour, creed or religion,” he told reporters after officiating the new RM2mil Kelantan MCA headquarters in Lembah Sireh here yesterday.

Liow also reiterated that the MCA was not against Islam, but was opposing PAS for trying to disrupt racial harmony.

“At present we are unable to solve issues arising from inter-marriages between non-Muslims and Muslims, especially on custody of minors who were converted to Islam.

“PAS is adding more fuel to the fire that will increase racial tension,” he added.

Liow was commenting on PAS’ proposal to table two private members’ Bills, possibly as soon as when Parliament meets again in June.

The first Bill is to seek permission for Kelantan to enact the Act under Article 76 (1)(c) of the Constitution so that the state can proceed to implement hudud.

The second Bill seeks to amend the Syariah Courts (Criminal Jurisdiction) Act, giving the syariah courts expanded power and jurisdiction over crimes such as theft, consumption of alcohol, illicit sex, adultery and rape.

Kelantan Deputy Mentri Besar Datuk Mohd Amar Nik Abdullah was reported to have said that only a simple majority in Parliament was needed to pave the way for the enforcement of hudud statewide.
