Hudud: Respect PAS’ democratic right to table it


Harakah Daily

PAS has appealed to the hudud laws critics to respect the party’s democratic right to table a Private Member’s Bill on hudud in the Dewan Rakyat to obtain approval for the implementation of the Syariah Criminal Code Enactment 1993 in Kelantan.

In a lengthy statement, the party information chief Mahfuz Omar explained that PAS realize that the implementation of hudud laws is a huge step which requires beyond the democratic legitimacy of the Kelantan state legislature, as well as to provide space for a national debate involving all parties in the country.

“… Which is why PAS chooses to table the bill under Article 76A of the Federal Constitution in parliament… This fact should be pondered upon and not hidden by those who called themselves as the champion of democracy, who go so hard to prevent PAS from presenting the bills to the parliament,” said Mahfuz.

Referring to the strong objections from DAP, where one of its Members of Parliament had called on PAS to leave PR if the party insists on implementing hudud, the Pokok Sena MP said PAS had no intention of making enemies with their partners in PR.

“Since the formation of PR, PAS has made knows to our allies on hudud, and they know that hudud is part ofPAS’ struggle that is impossible to compromise,” stressed Mahfuz.

“If they don’t agree with the bills, they have a right to vote against it,” he added.

The difference in opinions in matters pertaining to hudud between PR component parties, said Mahfuz, was minuscule compared to the commitment of PR to bring about changes in the country.

“Hence, we will agree to disagree on hudud, but it will not break the cooperation in PR,” added Mahfuz.

Turning his eyes on UMNO, Mahfuz said he was more interested with UMNO’s stand in the hudud controversy since they have been so serious about challenging PAS to implement hudud.

“UMNO president should make a stand and stop dilly-dallying,” he chided.

