Anwar – yea today, nay tomorrow

Does being on the other side suddenly make you see things clearer and take on the mantle of crusader of the truth?

Su-Yin Tan, FMT

Can we ever take what Anwar Ibrahim says for real? Having the gift of the gab and charisma to boot, Anwar has taken us for a ride on more than one occasion.

Remember the 40,000 Bangladeshis who supposedly voted in GE13? Remember not wanting to contest in Kajang, then doing it anyway?

Remember not wanting to become Selangor MB, then hinting that he would?

In a recent article by Raja Petra Kamarudin on Malaysia Today titled ‘Anwar Ibrahim’s Many U-turns’, the writer talks about Anwar now resurrecting allegations that Daim Zainuddin was corrupt to the core and abused his power as Finance Minister in 1984.

Funny how in 1991, when asked about this by Raja Petra and fellow members of the Malay Chamber of Commerce, Anwar was quick to brush aside these allegations as a dirty ploy by the opposition to smear the good name of the government, of which he was a part of as the country’s finance minister.

If it wasn’t true in 1991, why is it true in 2014?

Does being on the other side suddenly make you see things clearer and take on the mantle of crusader of the truth?

And if so, is Anwar suggesting that he lied in 1991 about Daim’s wrongdoings, knowing full well that the man was indeed making billions at the country’s expense?

Remember Anwar telling the crowds at his many Kajang ceramahs in March how he was a racist Umno politician because that is what the party ‘expected’ of him? Remember him mocking the Biro Tata Negara song that he once endorsed?

It does seem that Anwar can lie at the drop of a hat. Today he says ‘yea’, tomorrow he says ‘nay’. How can we then believe anything he says, including his innocence regarding his conviction of sodomy?

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