DAP won’t budge from stand

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(The Sun Daily) – DAP, which does not support the implementation of hudud, will oppose any motions from parties which are pushing for the controversial law to be enforced.

DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng said the party will object even if leaders from Pakatan Rakyat (PR) wanted to bring hudud issue to the Pakatan supreme council meeting.

“When we talk about the position of DAP, we have always been consistent in opposing hudud because it is contrary to the Federal Constitution,” he said.

“When all the party leaders in PR agree on hudud, only then it will become PR policy. (But) DAP will never agree and therefore hudud will never be PR policy,” he added.

He said that DAP will oppose even if the motion on hudud is brought to Parliament.

Lim, who was present at the George Town Festival 2014 press conference, was responding to press reports that PAS president Datuk Seri Hadi Awang had revealed that the PR supreme council has agreed to the implementation of hudud in Kelantan.

“There are certain sections in the mainstream media which wanted to twist and turn the facts to say that we support hudud. We wanted to make sure that this (our stand against hudud) is stated unequivocally,” said Lim.

Lim said the reports were baseless, adding that the party’s stand on hudud is “continuous, from the beginning until now”.

Meanwhile, Gerakan president Datuk Mah Siew Keong warned all parties that the unconstitutionality and discriminatory nature of hudud could pose a threat to the basic foundations of the country and its secular nature.

“Every responsible Malaysian must oppose any attempt to pass any law that is against the Federal Constitution and the basic structure of our country. Malaysians must ensure our criminal justice system remains secular as Malaysia is a multi-religious country,” he added.

He urged Barisan Nasional MPs, irrespective of religion, to reject hudud because “we cannot and must not change the legal system as enshrined in the Federal Constitution”.

