Has DAP fallen into MCA’s hudud trap?


MCA is against hudud but they want to be the good guys and not be seen as attacking a Malay religious party. They want DAP to do the dirty job for them and DAP fell for it hook, line and sinker.

Selena Tay, FMT

Much to the delight of Pakatan Rakyat’s (PR) enemies, the ongoing debate about the implementation of hudud law has taken a heavy toll on the relationship between PAS and DAP. Therefore, DAP leaders should now refrain from making too much noise on the matter.

Unlike the late Karpal Singh who had opposed the implementation of hudud based on his knowledge of constitutional law, DAP leaders who just ride roughshod over PAS by telling PAS to leave Pakatan is undiplomatic.

It is this columnist’s analysis that hudud will never come to pass (pardon the pun) so there is no need to make a lot of hue and cry about it.

PAS on the other hand has the right to fight for the implementation of hudud as it is in their party constitution even before Pakatan Rakyat was formed.

Let PAS attempt to table their Private Member’s Bill in parliament as it is their right. Then we can see who will reject it and fall into the trap.

DAP must not whip up such a storm over such an issue. Leave PAS alone. It takes two hands to clap and soon this issue will fizzle out as PAS will not be getting much support for their Private Member’s Bill.

Pakatan’s foes would of course want hudud to break up Pakatan via a rift between PAS and DAP. This means that both these two Pakatan allies must not fall into the trap of their foes.

DAP should ignore MCA’s instruction to speak out against hudud as MCA is just using DAP’s voice to speak out. Let MCA fight againsthudud by themselves. DAP need not lend any power to MCA’s voice to oppose hudud.

By speaking out so vehemently against hudud, DAP is just becoming MCA’s lackey by acting according to MCA’s prodding when DAP should just let MCA fight their own battles.

Read more at: http://www.freemalaysiatoday.com/category/opinion/2014/04/30/has-dap-fallen-into-mcas-hudud-trap/
