Muslim doctors back hudud amputation


Muslim doctors are all for amputation under hudud as it will instil fear among criminals

(Free Malaysia Today) – The Islamic Medical Association of Malaysia (Imam) has backed amputation under hudud but without administering anesthetic to inflict pain on criminals.

Imam president Dr Abdul Rahim Mohamad said such a painful procedure was vital so that criminals would repent and refrain from committing crime in the future.

“The moral of hudud is to inflict pain, fear, remorse and repentance as a lesson not to repeat the crime.

“Similarly, public execution under hudud will also deter others from committing a crime,” he said.

Recently, the Kelantan Menteri Besar Ahmad Yakub announced that it would table a Private Member’s Bill in the Parliament in June to implement hudud law in the state.

Minister in Prime Minister’s Department in charge of Islamic affairs Jamil Khir Baharom said the federal government would not block the move in the interest of faith.

However, many others said the move would run ultra vires to the Federal Constitution which guaranteed equality before the law.

Rahim also said the public need not fear hudud as the burden of proof under Islamic law was high.

“The process of conviction is both labourious and stringent to ensure justice is served,” said Rahim.


