Hudud: Stop blaming us, MCA tells DAP

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MCA deputy president Wee Ka Siong says that his party has a clear stand to oppose hudud

G. Vinod, Free Malaysia Today

Stop blaming MCA on the Hudud Bill issue and target your ally instead, MCA told DAP today.

In a statement today, MCA deputy president Wee Ka Siong said that his party had made a clear stand that they would oppose hudud from being implemented in the country.

“MCA president Liow Tiong Lai had taken a firm stand against hudud.

“We have also informed Umno of the matter and urged our partner to not support the unconstitutional private member’s bill from PAS,” said Wee.

Early this month, the Kelantan state government announced that it would table two private member’s bills in Parliament in June to facilitate the implementation of hudud law in the state.

The move received support from several Umno leaders such as Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Jamil Khir Baharom and Ketereh MP Annuar Musa.

However, the move received brickbats from MCA and DAP, saying that hudud law would run ultra vires to the Federal Constitution.

Wee, who is also Air Itam MP, said that DAP should target their attacks against PAS as the Islamist party was the one planning to table the private member’s bills in Parliament.

“Why don’t DAP reprimand PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang instead of criticising MCA?

“Besides, DAP holds the most seats in Pakatan Rakyat. So, DAP should use its strength to block PAS from tabling the bill,” he said.

Wee urged DAP to stop shirking from its responsibility and address the hudud law issue soon.

“For now, DAP’s attempt to divert people’s attention from the matter only exposed the party’s hypocrisy,” he said.


