Hudud: Najib, Anwar stop your ‘wayang kulit’, slams Waytha

Waytha Moorthy

(The Malaysian Times) – HINDRAF calls upon the leadership of the both the political divide to take an assertive action collectively by publicly opposing the Hudud bill as it contradicts the constitution of the country and restore the international and public confidence.

Its chairman P. Waytha Moorthy said, “The attempt by PAS in initiating the Hudud, the reluctance of (Prime Minister Datuk Seri) Najib Tun Razak and (Opposition Leader Datuk Seri) Anwar Ibrahim to come forward publicly to oppose such bill clearly sends a negative message to the public on the wavering and “wayang kulit” position of the leadership quality in Malaysia.

“The act by PAS is illegal and should be challenged by the AG’s department as it is contrary to the Federal Constitution as it originally stood for a plural society such as us.

“Any inaction by the current administration will only depict their weakness in governing the country by acceding to the further corrosion of the Federal Constitution,” the human rights lawyer said in a statement to The Malaysian Times (TMT).

Waytha, who is a former deputy minister in the Prime Minister’s Department, added: “The politicians reluctant to come out with a clear stance on PAS’s intended HUDUD bill reflects their selfish attitude in protecting their vote base oppose to work in the interest of the public at large.

“None of the top Malay Muslim leadership has made a clear and unequivocal stand on this provoking issue amongst the Malaysians,” said Waytha.

He said PAS’ role in bulldozing through this law raises pertinent questions and suspicion on the objective of the opposition party if they are to come into power and the repercussion to the non-Muslim as well women in Malaysia.

“The proposed bill is flawed constitutionally as it is against Article 8 of the Constitution which accords equal protection of the law to all its citizens.

“The Syariah Courts are invested with jurisdiction over persons professing the religion of Islam and in respect of any of the matters enumerated in list II of the State List of the Ninth Schedule to the Federal Constitution.

The state does not have the legal authority to pass any criminal law as it is clearly under the purview of the Federal power. Besides it discriminates and oppresses against the Constitutional rights of Muslims as well overstep into the rights of the Non-Muslims community.

“Are our leaders abandoning their allegiance of protecting the Constitution?” he asked.

“We have seen enough melodramas and lopsided justice that has been prevailing against the non-Muslims over the last 25 years through civil syariah law enforcement that continues to tear the social fabric of the nation without an amenable solution in near sight,” he stressed.

