DAP lodges report against Isma’s ‘intruder’ remark


The police meanwhile are investigating Isma for labelling the Chinese as “intruders”

(Free Malaysia Today) – Seven DAP leaders today lodged police reports against conservative Muslim pressure group Ikatan Muslimin Malaysia (Isma) for calling Chinese Malaysians “intruders.

The seven are Segambut MP Lim Lip Eng, Kinrara state assemblyman Ng Sze Han, Kg Tengku state assemblyman Lau Wen Sang, Teresa Kok’s assistant Edmond Teoh, DAP FT chief Lew Chee Kwan, DAP FT assistant secretary Ng Wei Keong and DAP FT member Yip Weng Weay.

They lodged reports at the Dang Wangi police station today.

Lip Eng urged the police to act against the individuals who published the online statement.

“We want the police to investigate under Sedition Act 1948, Communication and Multimedia act 1998, Criminal Procedure Code and other relevant laws.

“We hope the police and Attorney-General chambers will act swiftly,” he told FMT via a text message.

In the statement on Isma’s website yesterday, Isma president Abdullah Zaik Abdul Rahman said the Chinese came to the country with the British as intruders and were given citizenship as well as wealth.

Abdullah Zaik said the ancestors of Chinese Malaysians today were “in cahoots with the British” to oppress and bully the Malays.


