Hadi: PAS needs to correct hudud misconceptions

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(The Star) – They are deliberately harping on the amputation of limbs of thieves and robbers and attacking the syariah law without respecting the rights of the victims.

As a ruling government in Kelantan, PAS has again reiterated its right to enforce hudud laws in the state, amid strong protests from various quarters, including its Pakatan Rakyat ally DAP.

In this regard, PAS president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang said the party would first need to correct the misconception about the Islamic penal code which he claimed had been under attack “out of ignorance”.

“Because PAS continues to rule Kelantan, that is why we chose the state (to enforce hudud),” he said in a statement. Kelantan has been under PAS rule since 1990.

He said hudud laws were “merely a branch” of the state’s syariah enactment that was approved by the Kelantan government in 1993.

“We are obligated to accept those who are willing to accept (hudud) and we are prepared to explain openly or privately to all parties that are still in doubt or do not understand the true reality,” he said.

Hadi, the long-term Marang MP, said there shouldn’t be any worries among the non-Muslims over hudud as any concerns had been clearly addressed in the Quran.

“The verses in the Quran show that even the Jews who had their sets of religious laws were not forced to accept hudud. What more to those who did not have their own criminal laws,” he explained.

Hadi chided certain quarters for being selective in their argument against hudud, especially in aspects of the “amputation of limbs.”

“They are deliberately harping on the amputation of limbs of thieves and robbers and attacking the syariah law without respecting the rights of the victims,” he said.

He reminded fellow Muslims “it is their obligation to accept hudud laws without having to point fingers or make accusations at each other.”

“It is a sin if we are too busy with secondary issues such as debating the sincerity of (our move), including belittling each other as Muslims,” he said.

Hadi said the accusations leveled at Muslims were based on ignorance.

“They do not realise the benefit of this amazing law which strikes fear to the extend where crime rate is reduced and eventually wiped out among the Muslims.

“It goes against common sense if we suggest that the rakyat would compete to have their limbs amputated by committing theft when in fact, many criminals would repent,” he said.

Hadi is expected to move two Private Member’s Bill in the Dewan Rakyat this June to pave the way for PAS hudud to be implemented in Kelantan.

The proposal has been strongly opposed by the DAP and Barisan Nasional parties, including MCA, MIC and Gerakan.

On April 24, Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak said the Federal Government never rejected the implementation of PAS hudud but there were loopholes that needed to be addressed.
