‘Federal Constitution must be protected’


Why is protecting the constitution and questioning hudud implementation an insult to Islam?, asks Gerakan youth chief.

(Free Malaysia Today) – Hudud was never agreed on when Malaysia was formed and it is not an insult to Islam to say that hudud is unconstitutional.

Hudud’s implementation would also require a revision of the Federal Constitution in its entirety.

Gerakan Youth Chief Tan Keng Liang told FMT today that Umno supreme council member Reezal Merican should not say anything if he does not understand the basis of the Federal Constitution.

“If he [Reezal] cannot comprehend the basis of the Federal Constitution, whereby the implementation of hudud would be unconstitutional, then he should leave the talking to an expert,” Tan said.

“Reezal must look into the principles of the Federal Constitution before he says anything,” he added.

Reezal had issued a statement on May 6, warning Gerakan and other BN component parties “not to make excessive remarks over the hudud issue as it insults Islam”.

His statement was in response to Gerakan Wanita Chief Tan Lian Hoe’s Facebook post where she had commented on hudud being retrograde and victimising women.

Tan said that Gerakan was not insulting Islam and was respectful of the religion, and he could not understand why defending the Federal Constitution was an insult towards Islam.


