Is it Perkasa Or BN Running The Federal Government?


The Decision To Repudiate Joseph Entulu Belaun’s Decision To Drop The “Race” Column In Government Official Forms That Had No Value Added Raises Questions Whether It Is Perkasa Or BN That Is Running The Federal Government And Either Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak Or Ibrahim Ali The Real Malaysian Prime Minister?

The decision to repudiate Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Joseph Entulu Belaun’s decision to drop the “race” column in government official forms that had no value added raises, questions whether it is Perkasa or BN that is running the federal government and either Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak or Ibrahim Ali the real Malaysian Prime Minister? This follows Najib’s clarification that there had been no change in the government policy and Cabinet did not decide to do away with the ‘race’ column in government official forms.

Najib’s clarification came after Perkasa President Ibrahim Ali’s threat that it will take legal action in opposing the government’s decision to drop the “race” column from official forms.Najib even said he had been informed that Entulu would issue a statement of apology over the mistake.

Joseph Entulu meant well when he announced that the word “race” was removed from all official forms that did not add value in the country, such as in forms for the 1Malaysia People’s Aid (BR1M) and housing loan scheme forms for the low-income group. This would be a step forward towards creating a single national identity, where whether a person is poor or disabled, it matters not the colour of his or her skin.

After 57 years of Merdeka, the time has come to identify ourselves as Malaysian First and not be divided by race and religion. Unfortunately the language of racial hatred and religous extremism by organisations such as Perkasa has torn apart the social fabric of national unity. Such extremist and racist organisation have acquired such prominence that they can enjoy legal immunity for making inhumane and violent remarks against non-Muslims and non-Malays, but also influence government policy and Ministerial decision making.

Is Perkasa, despite never having won a single seat in the general elections actually running the Federal government, or Ibrahim Ali who lost his parliamentary seat of Pasir Mas in the last general elections, the real Prime Minister for Malaysia?











