Ku Li: Our education system has failed


The Umno veteran says that the national education system has failed in many ways, including fostering of unity and producing knowledgeable people.

(Free Malaysia Today) – Umno veteran Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah said that the Malaysian education system has failed in the fostering of unity among the multiracial society in the country.

He also said that the national education system had failed in creating knowledge and skill based graduates and has deteriorated Malaysia’s standing in the eyes of the world.

“We need drastic changes. We also a need an education system that is respected and sought after by parents.

“I hope that the recently launched National Education Blueprint (2013-2025) will address all these concerns,” said Tengku Razaleigh, in his speech at the Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM) convocation ceremony today.

In March,World Bank senior economist Frederico Gil Sander said that rural students in Vietnam were doing better in education as compared to Malaysian students.

He added that this was alarming as the country’s low quality education system would produce a substandard workforce and would not help to make Malaysia a high income nation.

Sander was referring to the world student performance assessment test named PISA, conducted in 65 countries and covered subjects such as mathematics, science and reading. Malaysia ranked number 52 out of 65, while Vietnam ranked 17.

Touching on the World Bank’s concerns, Tengku Razaleigh urged Malaysian’s to take criticism with an open heart and strive to improve whatever weaknesses highlighted.

“With acceptance, we will be able rectify the weaknesses of our education system,” he said.


