PAS told to leave Pakatan


A former DAP leader tells PAS to abandon the opposition coalition since DAP does not agree to the hudud enactment

(Free Malaysia Today) – PAS should stick to its principles and leave Pakatan Rakyat if the opposition pact can’t reach a consensus on the proposal to enact hudud laws for Kelantan.

Former DAP vice president Zulkifli Mohd Noor said the time has come for PAS to understate its political principles and objectives instead of hiding behind the Pakatan Rakyat curtain.

“On one hand, some quarters in PAS, particularly within the Kelantan leadership circle, are insisting for hudud. On the another, a different set of PAS leaders want to avoid the issue, preferring to allow a heated debate to ensue.

“In the midst of it, PKR is keeping quiet, preferring to dabble in half-baked statements while DAP has sternly opposed hudud, citing secularism as the true form of the country’s constitution. In politics, there is a need to have principles.

“It is unfair to the people if political parties profess to keep things hazy. The nation needs to know what Pakatan Rakyat is all about,” said Zulkifli.


