Salleh slams MCA over calls to shutdown Esscom


Meanwhile Sabah Tourism Minister Masidi Manjun warned MCA not to politicize issue

(Free Malaysia Today) – Sabah Umno deputy liaison chief Dr Salleh Said Keruak blasted MCA Youth for questioning the Eastern Sabah Security Command (Esscom)’s role in the Eszone yesterday.

He described MCA Youth chief Chong Sin Woon’s call to shut down the security agency following the abduction incident off Pulau Baik, Lahad Datu on Monday as irresponsible.

“MCA should understand Esscom’s function and role and the situation at the Esszone before uttering such statement,” he told reporters after a people’s voluntary corps shooting competition here.

Chong made the call through a statement in a local newspaper.

Meanwhile in Kota Kinabalu, Tourism, Culture and Environment minister Masidi Manjun said in a statement that security issues should not be politicized by any quarters.

MCA should know how to differentiate between politics and issues that affect state and national security, said Masidi, who is also state Umno liaison assistant secretary.

Esscom has come under heavy criticism following the latest literarily back-to-back kidnapping of two China nationals from under its nose.

Last Tuesday a manager from a cage fish farm in Pulau Balik Lahad Datu was abducted by armed bandits.

Last month, a China tourist and a Filipino resort worker were kidnapped after six armed men stormed Singgahmata Reef Resort in Semporna at 10pm at night.

Both incidents are believed to have been “inside” jobs.

