Isma: Beware games of ‘bangsa asing’

Abdullah Zaik Abdul Rahman

(FMT) – Ikatan Muslimin Malaysia (Isma) president Abdullah Zaik Abdul Rahman said Muslims should defend their authority in policy-making and rights in determining the country’s future, and not let the ‘bangsa asing’ (foreigners) dictate terms.

In his open letter today, Abdullah said Malays and Muslims should not let the bangsa asing continue forcing their whims on them.

“Accusations of being racist and extremist are psychological attacks so that the bumiputera do not dare to defend their rights,” he said.

Abdullah said the country faced threats from various parties who have acted as proxies for the “Evangelical Zionist Jews, who wanted to bury the country’s Islamic identity”.

“As such, championing our religion’s sovereign rights is a religious duty and natural right which must be acknowledged by all,” he said.

He added that these proxies only wanted the Malays to continue being shackled in their thoughts and needs.

“They want us to be humiliated seeing our religion raped, and our race and country’s dignity trampled with us being unable to do anything.

“If Muslims and Malays are still hesitant, sooner or later we will lose our country.

“Please realise that they are sugarcoating things with spectacular slogans such as freedom, equality and human brotherhood,” said Abdullah.

Capitalist Jews, through their proxies, will be supported by liberal Muslims who have been fooled by the promise of progress, said Abdullah.

“They will also be supported by those who have been hit with psychological attacks, until they are willing to defend the enemy’s agenda, despite the religious sanctity being compromised in the name of tolerance and racial harmony.

“However, without them realising, they will lose everything they have owned. When they finally understand it, the cry of remorse will be useless,” he said.


