Back to basics: Choose to be Positive, conquer hatred with love

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Anas Zubedy

As a nation, we can perform only from our strengths. One cannot build greatness on weaknesses.

To perform on our strength, we must first choose to be Positive. A Positive approach creates new energy and multiplies our power. A negative one drains energy and dilutes. Which attitude are we practicing today?

Take our history. When we look back at May 13th do we choose to highlight our strength or weakness? Choose to see the positives or negatives? Do we harp over and over again the thousands that rioted and failed us, or should we celebrate the millions peace loving Malaysians who stayed United – helping to protect each other? The former helps us hate each other; the latter makes us love each other better. We must make smart choices.

What about our media? Do we give more space and attention to positive news or negative ones?  Should we highlight the few extremists spreading hate and make quick gains or choose to focus on news of unity, cooperation, and collaboration that help build our nation and reap long term profits from a cohesive society?

We the rakyat too must choose wisely. Do we crave to read, resend and repost news that hurts each other or promote those that help build unity?

We must choose the Positive approach. We cannot conquer hatred with hatred; we can only conquer hatred with love.


