‘Have fresh polls to avert T’ganu crisis’

Khoo Kay Peng

Power should be given to the people to choose again, says political analyst Khoo Kay Peng

(Free Malaysia Today) – The way forward for Terengganu is to hold fresh elections so that the Perak crisis will not be repeated, says political analysts.

Political analyst Khoo Kay Peng told FMT that the democratic process must be respected and power given to the people.

Kijal assemblyman Ahmad Said resigned as thementeri besar yesterday and declared himself as an independent after quitting Umno.

University of Nottingham political analyst Zaharom Nain said the only logical and moral thing to do was to dissolve the state assembly and hold fresh elections.

Comparing the current crisis in Terangganu to that in Perak in 2009, Zaharom said it was the Perak crisis “coming back to bite Barisan Nasional.”

The Perak crisis back then saw three Pakatan Rakyat state assemblymen defecting and the Sultan of Perak’s refusal to dissolve the state assembly.

“This time around he (Ahmad Said) sulked because he could not conduct a kenduri (festivity) for his child as menteri besar.

“It’s true what they say, two important things for the Malays are power and festivities,” said Zaharom.

He said there would be a lot of bargaining in the background and advised people to “eat popcorn and enjoy the unfolding drama”.

Although BN continues to hold power, two other state assemblymen, Ghazali Taib (Ajil) and Roslee Daud (Bukit Besi), had declared themselves as independents.

With the speaker counted as a representative of the ruling state government, there are now 15 BN representatives, followed by 15 Pakatan state assemblymen, and the three independents.


